TouriSMEshare Project provides free of charge services to companies with innovative business model, products or services in the area of tourism and cultural heritage, with a potential and ambition for participation and scaling-up their business exploiting the opportunities in the shared economy.
The selected companies will deliver ad-hoc advising to the selected companies, supporting them to exploit the opportunities of the Sharing Economy, by means of:
• Assessing the initial company needs throughout ad hoc EU certified tools for evaluating the companies business models and innovation management capacity
• Delivering training courses on the key issues and challenges faced by the companies, tailored on the selected companies’ needs, to prepare them for the shared economy or to support them to adapt their business models to the shared economy requirements
• Offering coaching and mentoring to increase the areas of: finance, offerings, process, delivery
• Introducing the companies to customized advisory services and partnering services in the framework of EEN services
All candidates, have to express their interest to be part of Let’s Share Call, by expressing their interest, via the link available at: