Launch of IPA4SME Campaign: First Call Open

The “Boosting the use of Intellectual Property (IP) with an action specifically designed for Innovative SMEs” (IPA4SME) campaign has been launched and is looking for SMEs in need of assistance with their IP valorisation. IPA4SME presents a unique business opportunity for SMEs to acquire Intellectual Property Valorisation and Protection, through a variety related services.

The beneficiaries of these IP services are SMEs that have been awarded the Seal of Excellence from the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument, and they can apply for the following:

– Free IP Pre-diagnostics: a customised report by a verified IP Expert on your business strategy related to IP with recommendations on achieving a secure and efficient exploitation of your assets. This service is available to SMEs registered in Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Spain and Sweden.

– Financial reimbursement of IP protection costs, specifically eligible costs of qualified IP attorney and European patent application fees, for all EU and COSME countries.

By applying for the first IPA4SME open call, SMEs have the opportunity to receive financial support (up to 15 000 EUR per company) and tailored IP services. The first open call will launch on 6 May 2019, and applications will be open until 7 June 2019. Due to funds being limited, applicants should apply early, and refer to the ‘How to apply’ and ‘Guidelines’ pages on the website in order to avoid submission errors. There is also a dedicated helpdesk available for specific questions on the call and campaign.

The IPA4SME campaign is being carried out by a consortium led by CARSA, and comprising of the University of Alicante and GOPA Com, and is co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union.

More information.